Stem cells in Parkinson disease treatment
Piotr Rieske

This review shows current progress in stem cell therapy of Parkinson disease. Article depicts strategies of stem cell therapy, discusses results of trials performed to treat Parkinson disease, describes experience of author in preparing cells for patients with Parkinson disease, and presents potential danger of stem cell therapy. Several strategies of stem cell therapies are presented. Strategies are divided in to: physiological, physiologically-biotechnological and biotechnological. Physiological strategy includes: use of neural stem cells, and Ratajczak concept. Plasticity (transdifferentiation), is considered as approach physiologically-biotechnological. Biotechnological strategy includes: cloning and reprogramming. Article shows opinions of authorities working on Parkinson disease stem cells therapy, briefly discusses trials of Hauser et al., Hegel et al., Brundin et al., Freed et al., and Olanow et al. Clues coming from these trials, for future use of stem cells derivatives, in the treatment of Parkinson disease are presented. Hints coming from works on Parkinson disease animals models, are also included. Moreover author presents his own experience in preparing cells potentially useful in Parkinson disease treatment, which is use of fibroblasts and neural stem cells. Finally possible dangerous consequences of stem cells therapy, such as risk of cancers development, are shown. Stem cell therapy appears as progressing, but in author opinion there is no final conclusion to say if it will work very efficiently or not.