Assessment of the effect of cardiovascular risk factors on mortality in stroke

Background and purpose: Polish epidemiological data report a high first-ever stroke incidence rate which has been maintained for over ten years, increases with age and is correlated with high mortality. Fatal cases in stroke patients during the first three weeks amount to 25–30%. The aim of this study was to estimate the impact of the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases on mortality in stroke patients treated in the Department of Neurology USK in Bialystok. Material and methods: The study included all the stroke cases treated in the Department of Neurology USK in Bialystok, in the years 2002–2006. The cases were identified by verifying patient files. All the clinical data were calculated using STATISTICA 8.0. Results: We analysed 1129 stroke patients, 541 women and 588 men. The overall observed mortality was 19.6% in all cases. 86% patients had infarction with fatal cases in 16.4%. There were 14% of intracerebral haemorrhages with high mortality rate – 39.2%. Early case fatality in ischaemic stroke decreased in the reported 5 years from 22.1% to 17.8%, with consequently increased incidence. Conclusions: Myocardial infarct and atrial fibrillation are the most important factors predicting mortality in stroke patients. Despite the increase in the incidences of stroke the downturn in mortality is observed.